How to explain being a HSP to others so they can better understand and support your child

Very commonly when a parent comes to me for help, they are battling to explain being HSP to a partner or other family member who is either struggling to believe that it is a ‘real thing’ OR is struggling to come to terms with their child being ‘different’.

So if this is you, feel free to share this post with them. I also have a free course designed to warm up and inspire even the most reluctant of parents to the idea of change!

What causes a highly sensitive child?

It’s incredibly confusing and overwhelming to have a child who seems to react to the world differently to the norm. It leaves you wondering:

Is it my fault?

Have I done anything to cause this?

Is there a way to fix it?

What’s gone wrong for them?

I'd like you to know that nothing has gone wrong-and it’s most certainly not your fault that they seem to have such an intense experience of life.

Why is my child so emotionally sensitive?

Did you know that many of the world's greatest inventors, artists, writers and scientists did/do indeed have huge emotional sensitivity? And that they wouldn’t have produced such extraordinary pieces of work if it wasn’t for their deeper experience of the world…

So if you’re currently worried about why your child is so emotionally sensitive, I’m here to let you know that approximately 1 in 5 people are and that with the right nurturing, it can be an absolute blessing to the world.

Stop Calling Me Shy!

Why we need to support our more introverted children.

“STOP CALLING ME SHY!” I used to feel this way all the time as a child. I remember in Brownies back in the 1980’s (Girl Guides/ Girl Scouts if you’re not in the UK!) someone would be chosen to receive a trophy, which they’d take home for the week. They’d be picked for random reasons like ‘shiniest shoes’, or ‘best singing’.

Perfectionism- the hidden trap

As a mindset coach (and reformed perfectionist), I want to explain to you why this trait isn’t quite what you think it is. I also want you to know that this is an important issue to consider with your child as they grow up (and with yourself!).

There’s actually a lot of spin put on the word ‘perfectionist’. Most people see it as something to be proud of. I’m not suggesting that it’s wrong to take pride in what you do. This goes one step further than that, hear me out!