Why is my child so emotionally sensitive?

Highly sensitive boys jumping joyfully in a woodland setting

Did you know that many of the world's greatest inventors, artists, writers and scientists did/do indeed have huge emotional sensitivity? And that they wouldn’t have produced such extraordinary pieces of work if it wasn’t for their deeper experience of the world…

So if you’re currently worried about why your child is so emotionally sensitive, I’m here to let you know that approximately 1 in 5 people are and that with the right nurturing, it can be an absolute blessing to the world.

I get it though, the emotional sensitivity can be overwhelming and you often find yourself walking on eggshells waiting for the next meltdown or eruption.

You might wonder how they’ll ever cope with life, or maybe whether they’ll grow up to be a problem…

But you need to know that this doesn’t ever have to be a reality.

High sensitivity is a wonderfully unique genetic variation found in approximately 1 in 5 people.

Here is a quick run-down of some of the gifts and blessings for children like yours:

  • They are capable of impressive levels of CREATIVITY

  • They are naturally CONSCIENTIOUS; success means a lot to them.

  • They are wired for EMPATHY and (with the right nurturing) very high levels of emotional intelligence.

  • They make amazing LEADERS when they're able to step into their authentic selves.

  • They are natural INNOVATORS with incredible capacity to join the dots in life.

  • Their brains are highly PERCEPTIVE, often noticing things that others don't.

    🙌Let's celebrate and embrace High Sensitivity🙌

Here’s why you need to be excited about this trait:

- Your child processes the world more deeply-noticing more, thinking more, remembering more, caring more…the world needs these minds!

- Your child has heightened perceptivity and amazing observational skills. They notice what others tend to miss and are capable of joining the dots in life in impressive ways no one else can!

- They have so many gifts, as you’ve learnt above. If they’ve not yet shown themselves, they soon will!

Here’s what you most need to keep in mind:

- Your child feels all of their emotions intensely; for some this is outwardly obvious, but for others it’s masked and suppressed. And they can’t switch this off.

- Your child’s heightened perceptivity can be with sensory factors and bodily sensations too. They're also super tuned-in to even slight unfairness and hypocrisy in your parenting (yikes!).

- With all of this extra work going on in their mind, your child has an inevitable vulnerability to overstimulation. This can cause a lot of emotional upset without the right supports in place.

- They need a very careful parenting approach in order for their gifts to shine through and to ensure they gain better control of their BIG feelings.

It is absolutely something to be excited about, but there are a few challenges to get your head around.

Parentiong Highly Sensitive & Emotionally Intense Children course being displayed on phones

The great news is that I now have a free parenting course created ESPECIALLY for parents of emotionally sensitive children.

With no strings attached and accessible from its very own app, all that’s required is your email address, mobile phone and a strong desire to learn how to get things right for your child.

These kids are at such a greater risk of going on to experience mental health struggles if they fail to grow up feeling accepted and understood.

Recognising the trait as a unique quality, rather than a weakness or disadvantage will bring about a wonderful acceptance and compassion which is vital in helping them to SHINE.

By acting know you can learn HOW to nurture this awesome trait in the right way, so that you can:

👉Bid farewell to the upset, eggshell-walking and emotional eruptions

👉Bring harmony to the family

👉Turn them into masters of their emotions

👉AND ensure that the many blessing of the trait come into play

My FREE parenting course that has been created especially for those raising highly sensitive children. I can’t wait to have you on board (and it’s in a cosy little app too-come see what all the other parents are saying!).

Supporting you all the way,

Sarah xx