Do You Have A Highly Sensitive Child?

-Take the test below…

Coming across Elaine Aron’s Highly Sensitive trait (also known as ‘sensory processing sensitivity’) changed EVERYTHING for me as a parent.

Once I understood WHY my child was so intense and the very real science behind it, I took my parenting approach in a whole new direction.

Sarah Weaver playing and laughing with two children

We now have a relationship that is simply beautiful and my proudest accomplishment in life. And my son has blossomed from his emotionally eruptive beginnings into an empowered and resilient teen.

As an experienced Psychotherapist and Parenting Coach I became dedicated to making sure children like ours are better understood.

I’m here today to start you on your very own journey of discovery and change.

High sensitivity is a trait that makes someone’s nervous system very easily over-aroused.

It IS NOT a condition or disorder, nor is it an excuse for poor behaviour. But rather a wonderful yet misunderstood way in which approximately 1in 5 children are neurologically wired.

Whilst no two highly sensitive children will be the same, they will always fit each of the 4 categories in the test below.

You will need to answer YES to one or more bullet point for each of these 4 characteristics:

  1. Deeper Processing

    -Their brain works in a very deep way, processing the world more thoroughly and taking note of EVERYTHING.

    Does Your Child:

    • Seem very intuitive?

    • Ask lots of questions?

    • Ask deep, thought provoking questions?

    • Seem especially observant?

    • Seem overly aware of themselves and others?

    2. Easily Overstimulated or Overwhelmed

    -All of this busy and non-stop work within their brain leads to your child feeling easily overwhelmed. It’s a very serious battle that they will have to fight at times.

    Does Your Child:

    • Find many things ‘too much’- e.g. loud noise, busy places, smells, unfamiliar environments?

    • Often struggle to calm down?

    • Find it hard to get to sleep after a busy day?

    • Struggle with change?

    • Get upset over seemingly trivial things?

    3. Emotional Intensity

    -They feel their emotions more deeply and may have stronger reactions to both positive and negative experiences.

    Is Your Child Prone To Being:

    • Easily distressed by things like scary stories or unfairness?

    • Especially happy and excited about life’s positives, but also overly sad and distressed about life’s negatives?

    • Very empathic and aware of other’s emotions?

    • A very sore loser or having a hard time with criticism?

    • Disproportionately upset by unexpected situations such as accidentally hurting someone, making a mistake, or even pleasant surprises?

    4.Sensitivity To Subtleties:

    - They are highly perceptive and pick up on even the smallest details or changes within their environment or even within themselves.

    Is Your Child Prone To Being:

    • Fussy and easily bothered by sensory factors such as scratchy clothing, noise, light, touch, taste?

    • Keenly observant of things in their physical and social environment that other people often miss?

    • Quick to spot something that’s changed?

    • Pick up on the distress of others/ of animals?

    • Extremely perceptive, perhaps with a keen sense of smell, or overly aware of the mood or even the hypocrisies of yourself or others?

🌟If you answered YES to at least one bullet point for each of the 4 categories, then there’s a very strong possibility that you have a Highly Sensitive Child.🌟


Access my free self-paced parenting class to learn more and start making some crucial changes to your parenting.

Understanding your child’s unique sensitivities is crucial. To further assist you I have a free self-paced parenting course comprising of 10 bite-sized, action-focused sessions.

OR, contact me for a free exploratory session.

mother giving child a kiss as they play in a field

Since children with this trait experience their emotions in a much more dialled-up and magnified way, it’s easy to see why the outwardly-expressive ones can be like little volcanoes, so frequently erupting.

The uncomfortable bombardment on their senses that will accompany a busy day can be enough to push these children into overload …

…The noise, feelings, sensations, faces, unfamiliar surroundings, smells, vibes, thoughts, visuals and WHOOSH! Overstimulation is reached and then the ‘outbursts’ and ‘eruptions’ ensue.

It’s not THEIR fault. Nor is it YOUR fault. But with this new information I am handing you bucket loads of potential to make the current stress and unhappiness a distant memory.

With the right understanding you will finally be able to identify what is REALLY happening and find an infinitely more helpful response to your child.

Whilst children with High Sensitivity are a lot more challenging to raise, they do also come with immense gifts. When nurtured the right way their natural empathy makes them wonderful people to be around. Their deeply- processing minds bring incredible creativity and innovation to the world.

And that’s just a taster; there are incredible advantages to having a family member with this trait. Once their unique needs are nurtured correctly, the outbursts will become a thing of the past and your lives will flourish.

But staying where you are now will mean that you all keep hitting your default buttons and nothing will change. As the famous Einstein quote goes “insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.

If you’d like to work with me to explore the possibility of your child having this trait and learn HOW you can stop hitting your default button and make life-changing changes to the family unit, then book your FREE discovery call here…..